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The Gastrocnemius

A New Paradigm for the Human Foot and Ankle

The isolated gastrocnemius contracture is ever threatening the human foot and ankle. See how and why the human calf contracts and becomes shorter as we age.

  • A silent gastrocnemius contracture can gradually do significant harm to the foot and ankle when left undetected and unattended.

  • There are four relative unavoidable reasons why the human calf, particularly the gastrocnemius, becomes tighter as we age:

    1. Activity changes: Lifestyle Influences

    2. Physiologic Changes to Muscles and Tendons: internal Influence

    3. Genetics

    4. Reverse Evolution: The Human Influence and the Predilection Pattern

  • The contracted calf is a common source of a majority of acquired, nontraumatic adult foot and ankle problems, such as plantar fasciitis, nontraumatic midfoot osteoarthritis, insertional Achilles tendinosis, posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction, and Achilles tendinitis.

  • Addressing the calf contracture as definitive treatment and, better yet, as prevention, will no doubt become a mainstay of definitive treatment of many foot and ankle problems.

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